Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Karnival in Munderkingen

While staying here in Ummendorf, we were introduced to the German tradition of Karnival by Franz, a business colleague of my husband. It’s a celebration held on various dates in various villages in advance of Ash Wednesday. We were invited to meet at his home for a “snack” which his wife prepared, consisting of various brats, hard rolls and soft pretzels, and champagne. Then it was off to Munderkingen for his favorite event – Karnival! Upon entering the village we began to notice bizarre masks, which he told us were hand-carved and symbolic of specific regions. We found a front row position on a bridge crossing the Danube, and he warned of various shenanigans that could occur…such as a hat that could wind up on the head of someone else. For the next 2-1/2 hours we saw incredible sights – costumes that were occasionally reminiscent of the Wizard of Oz, high spirits of groups shouting chants to the crowd such as “Narri” to which we would respond “Narro,” and German bands playing instruments that in many cases were unfamiliar to us. Some merrymakers carried inflated balls on a stick that they used to bonk front line watchers on the head. I was personally bonked a few times and another grabbed an end of my neck scarf and knotted it to my friend Maria’s scarf. Handfuls of confetti and sometimes grain were thrown our way, but wrapped candy was thrown to the children. My favorite groups were adorned with bells, from small to large cow bells, which were played by rhythmic stomping. Here it was, only my second day in Germany, and I had a thrilling, totally unique experience that I’ll never forget.

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